
齋藤 彰



English Version


の詳細(下記 特記事項)はこちら→別ページ(2015.11月中に更新予定)







2015.10.30 現在(2015.11月に改訂予定)    


・  表面科学 

・  放射光科学

・  応用光学(構造色とナノ構造)

・  元素分析(主に STM、および生体細胞)

‖ 学歴

・  東京大学工学部物理工学科卒業(1989.3)

・  東京大学工学系研究科物理工学専攻修士課程修了(1991.3)

・  東京大学工学系研究科物理工学専攻博士課程修了(1994.3)

‖ 主要職歴

・  フランス政府給費留学生(E.S.R.F.−European Synchrotron Radiation Facility−, Grenoble, FRANCE、1994.7)

・  文部省高エネルギー物理学研究所・放射光研究施設 非常勤講師(1995.8)

・  大阪大学大学院工学研究科・助手           (1997.3〜(2007〜助教)2008.5)

・  理化学研究所(播磨研究所)客員研究員  (兼務) (2001.2〜現在) 

・  JASRI/SPring-8       外来研究員 (兼務)(2001.4〜2003.3)

・  理化学研究所(播磨研究所)連携研究員  (兼務)(2001.6〜2007.3)

・  科学技術振興機構(JST), ICORP 研究員 (兼務)(2003.5〜2007.9)

・  科学技術振興機構(JST), さきがけ研究員 (兼務)(2007.10〜2011.3) 

・  大阪大学大学院工学研究科・准教授         (2008.5〜現在)

‖ 学会活動等

・ 日本表面科学会 関西支部 役員(2010.4〜.2013.3)

・  X線結像光学研究会 編集委員(2012.4〜現在)

・  SPIE(Smart Structures/ NDE), Committee(2012.4〜現在)

・  ISO(国際標準規格)/TC266 審議委員(Work Gr.1, Expert)(2013.6〜現在) 

・  Living Light, Committee(2014.10〜現在)

‖ 所属学会

  日本物理学会、 応用物理学会、 日本表面科学会、 表面技術協会、  日本放射光学会、 X線結像光学研究会、 SPIE(国際光工学会、終身会員)。

‖ 受賞

1. 第7回 L'Oréal    Art and Science of Color Prize,   GOLD PRIZE.    (2004年10月)
    (ロレアル 色の科学と芸術賞/ 金賞(副賞 30000 ユーロ))

2.テピア・ハイテクビデオコンクール最高賞(グランプリ) 2008.7月

3. 放射光MVP (Most Voted Presentation) 賞。
   第2回 放射光学会若手研究会シンポジウム「顕微分光のフロンティア」, 本郷・東大 Aug.2-3 (2010)

4. JAFOE Best Speakers Award 
   第10回 日米工学アカデミー合同・日米先端工学(JAFOE)シンポジウム, June 16-18 (2011) "Material Design and Fabrication of Structural Color using a Biomimetic Approach: Mystery of Morpho Butterfly's Blue".

5. (大阪科学技術センター)ネイチャーインダストリーアワード(2012.11月20日)


  ・  査読付き原著論文
  ・  国際会議発表論文等
  ・  総説・解説
  ・  その他 (研究所報告等)
  ・  著書
  ・  特許
  ・  招待講演


1. S.Nakatani, A.Saito, Y.Kuwahara, T.Takahashi, M.Aono and S.Kikuta:
"Study of the Si(111)√3×√3-Sb structure by X-ray Diffraction."
    Jpn.J.Appl.Phys 31 (1992), L426-428.
2. S.Nakatani, A.Saito, T.Takahashi, Y.Kuwahara, M.Aono and S.Kikuta:
"Study of the Si(111)√3×√3-Sb structure by X-ray Diffraction."
    Technical report of ISSP (A), No.2519 (1992).
3. K.Izumi, A.Saito, S.Kikuta and X.W.Zhang:
"Characterization of Sb Atomic-Layer-Doped Si(100) Crystal by X-ray Standing Wave Method."
    Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.32 (1993), 1772-1774.
4. A.Saito, K.Izumi, T.Takahashi, and S.Kikuta:
"Normal-incidence x-ray standing-wave analysis of Si(111)√3x√3-Au structure."
     Phys. Rev. B 58 (1998), 3541-3544.
5. H.Oyanagi, M.Ishii, C.H.Lee, N.L.Saini, Y.Kuwahara, A.Saito, Y.Izumi, and H.Hashimoto:
"Rapid & Sensitive XAFS Using Tunable X-Ray Undulator."
     J. of Synchrotron Rad. 6 (1999), 155.
6. K. Iwahori, S. Watanabe, T. Komeda, M. Kawai, A. Saito, Y. Kuwahara and M. Aono:
"Force microscopy study on SrTiO3(001) surfaces with single atomic-layer steps."
     Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.Vol.38, part1.,6B (1999), 3946-3949.
7. H.Kuramochi, K.Takami, A.Saito, Y.Kuwahara, and Y.Mori, S.Otani, M.Aono:
"Surface Reconsruction of TiC (001) and its Chemical Activity for Oxygen."
     Appl.Phys.Lett.75, 24 (1999), 3784-3786.
"Newly Applied X-ray Standing Wave Analysis to the YSZ Crystal."
     Proc. the 9th International Conference on production engineering, JSPE publication series No.3, (1999) p.787-791.
9. A. Saito, K. YAMASAKI, Y. KUWAHARA, and M. AONO:
"Structural Study of Ni/YSZ(001) by Coaxial Impact-Collision Ion Scattering Spectroscopy."
     Proc. the 9th International Conference on production engineering, JSPE publication series No.3, (1999) p.796-801.
"Control of Atomic Defects of TiC by Its Chemical Activity."
     Proc. the 9th International Conference on production engineering, JSPE publication series No.3, (1999) p.699-704.
11. H.Oyanagi, M.Ishii, C.-H. Lee, N.L.Saini, Y.Kuwahara, A. Saito, Y. Izumi and H. Hashimoto:
"Rapid and sensitive XAFS using a tunable X-ray undulator at BL10XU of SPring-8."
     J. Synchrotron Rad. 7, part2 (2000), 89-94.
12. Gengmin Zhang, Y. Kuwahara, Jingwen Wu, M. Akai-Kasaya, A. Saito, and M. Aono:
"Scanning tunneling microscopy observation of binary monolayers of 10,12-tricosadiynoic acid and stearic acid deposited by horizontal lifting method."
     Surf.Sci.Lett.,476 (2001), L254-258.
13. Y.Mori, K.Yamauchi, K.Yamamura, H.Mimura, A.Saito, H.Kishimoto, Y.Sekito, M.Kanaoka, A.Souvorov, M.Yabashi, K.Tamasaku, T.Ishikawa:
"Development of plasma chemical vaporization machining and elastic emission machining systems for coherent X-ray optics."
     Proc. SPIE, 4501 (2001) 30-37.
14. Y. kuwahara, G. Zhang, J. Wu, M. Akai-Kasaya, A. Saito, and M. Aono:
"Scanning tunneling microscopy observation of binary monolayers deposited by horizontal lifting method."
     RIKEN Recview, 45 (2002), 6-8.
15. G. Zhang Y. Kuwahara, J. Wu, Y. Horie, T. Matsunaga, A. Saito, and M. Aono:
"Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Observation of Langmuir-Blodgett Diacetylene Compound Films Deposited by Schaefer's Method."
     Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.41(4A), (2002), 2187-2188.
16. A.Souvorov, M.Yabashi, K.Tamasaku, T.Ishikawa, Y.Mori, K.Yamauchi, K.Yamamura, and A.Saito:
"Deterministic retrieval of surface waviness by means of topography with coherent X-rays."
     J. Synchrotron Rad. 9 (2002), 223-228.
17. Akira SAITO:
"Mimicry in Butterflies: Microscopic Structure."
     FORMA 17(2002), 133-139.
18. K. Yamauchi, K. Yamamura, H. Mimura, Y. Sano, A. Saito, A.Souvorov, M. Yabashi, K. Tamasaku, T. Ishikawa, and Y. Mori:
"Nearly diffraction-limited line focusing of a hard-X-ray beam with an elliptically figured mirror."
     J. Synchrotron Rad. 9 (2002), 313-316.
19. K.Yamamura, H.Mimura, K.Yamauchi, Y.Sano, A. Saito, T.Kinoshita, K.Endo, Y.Mori, A.Souvorov, M.Yabashi, K.Tamasaku, T.Ishikawa:
"Aspheric surface fabrication in nm-level accuracy by numerically controlled plasma chemical vaporization machining (CVM) and elastic emission machining (EEM)."
     Proc. SPIE, 4782 (2002) 265-272.
20. Y.Mori, K.Yamauchi, K.Yamamura, H.Mimura, Y.Sano, A. Saito, K.Ueno, K.Endo, A.Souvorov, M.Yabashi, K.Tamasaku, T.Ishikawa:
"Sub-micron focusing of hard X-ray beam by elliptically figured mirrors for scanning X-ray microscopy."
     Proc. SPIE, 4782 (2002) 58-65.
21. K.Yamauchi, K.Yamamura, H.Mimura, Y.Sano, A. Saito, M.Kanaoka, K.Endo, A.Souvorov, M.Yabashi, K.Tamasaku, T.Ishikawa, Y.Mori:
"Wave-optical analysis of sub-micron focusing of hard X-ray beams by reflective optics."
     Proc. SPIE, 4782 (2002) 271-278.
22.  森 勇藏, 山内和人, 山村和也, 三村秀和, 佐野泰久, 齋藤 彰, , A.Souvorov, 玉作賢治, 矢橋牧名, 石川哲也:
     精密工学会誌 68, 10 (2002), p.1347-1350.
23.  山内和人, 山村和也, 三村秀和, 佐野泰久, 齋藤 彰, 久保田章亀, 金岡政彦, , A.Souvorov, 玉作賢治, 矢橋牧名, 石川哲也, 森 勇藏:
     精密工学会誌 69,7 (2003) p.997-1101.
24. O. Sakata, Y. Furukawa, S. Goto, T. Mochizuki, T. Uruga, K. Takeshita, H. Ohashi, T. Ohata, T. Matsushita, S. Takahashi, H. Tajiri, T. Ishikawa, M. Nakamura, M. Ito, K. Sumitani, T. Takahashi, T. Shimura, A. Saito, M. Takahasi:
"Beamline for surface and interface structures at SPring-8."
     Surface Review and Letters 10, (2003), 543-547.
25. A. Saito, K. Matoba, T. Kurata, J. Maruyama, Y. Kuwahara, K. Miki, and M. Aono:
"Structural Analysis of Bismuth Nanowire by X-Ray Standing Wave Method."
     Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.42, 4B (2003), 2408-2411.
26. K. Yamauchi, K. Yamamura, H. Mimura, Y. Sano, A. Saito, K. Ueno K. Endo, A.Souvorov, M. Yabashi, K. Tamasaku, T. Ishikawa, and Y. Mori:
"Microstitching interferometry for x-ray reflective optics."
     Rev. Sci. Instr. 74, 5, (2003) 2894-2898.
27. K. Yamamura, K. Yamauchi, H. Mimura, Y. Sano, A. Saito, K. Endo, A.Souvorov, M. Yabashi, K. Tamasaku, T. Ishikawa, and Y. Mori:
"Fabrication of elliptical mirror at nanometer-level accuracy for hard X-ray focusing by numerically controlled plasma chemical vaporization machining (CVM)."
     Rev. Sci. Instrum., 74, 10, (2003) 4549-4553.
28. K. Yamauchi, K. Yamamura, H. Mimura, Y. Sano, A. Saito, K. Ueno, K. Endo, A.Souvorov, M. Yabashi, K. Tamasaku, T. Ishikawa, and Y. Mori:
"Two-dimensional nanofocusing of hard X-rays by two elliptical mirrors fabricated by plasma chemical vaporization machining and elastic emission machining."
     Jpn.J.Appl.Phys. 42 (2003) 7129-7134.
29. M. Akai-Kasaya, K.Shimizu, Y. Kuwahara, A. Saito, and M. Aono:
"Electronic structure of a polydiacetylene nanowire fabricated on highly ordered pyrolytic graphite."
 Phys. Rev. Lett.91,25 (2003) 255501-255504.
30. A. Saito, H. Matsumoto, S. Ohnisi, M. Akai-Kasaya , Y. Kuwahara and M. Aono:
"Structure of Atomically Smoothed LiNbO3 (0001) Surface."
     Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.43,4B (2004), 2057-2060.
31. A. Saito, S. Yoshioka, S. Kinoshita:
"Reproduction of the Morpho butterfly's blue: arbitration of contradicting factors."
     Proc. SPIE 5526 B, (2004) 188-194.
32. Takami, K., Mizuno, J., Akai-kasaya, M., Saito, A., Aono, M., Kuwahara, Y.:
"Conductivity Measurement of Polydiacetylene Thin Films by Double-Tip Scanning Tunneling Microscopy."
     J. Phys. Chem. B 108 (42), (2004) 16353-16356.
33. K. Takami, M. Akai-kasaya, A. Saito, M. Aono, Y. Kuwahara:
" Construction of Independently Driven Double-Tip Scanning Tunneling Microscope."
     Jpn.J.Appl.Phys. 44, No.3A, (2004) L120-L122.
34. A. Saito, K. Yamasaki, K. Takami, S. Ohnisi, M. Akai-Kasaya, M. Aono, Y. Kuwahara:
"Structural Study of Initial Growth of Nickel on Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia by Coaxial Impact-Collision Ion Scattering Spectroscopy."
     Jpn.J.Appl.Phys. 44,4B (2005), 2630-2633.
35. K. Yamauchi, K. Yamamura, H. Mimura, Y. Sano, A. Saito, K. Endo, A. Souvorov, M. Yabashi, K. Tamasaku, T. Ishikawa, Y. Mori:
"Wave-optical evaluation of interference fringes and wavefront phase in a hard-x-ray beam totally reflected by mirror optics."
     Appl. Opt.44 (2005) 6927.
36. M. Shimura, A. Saito, S. Matsuyama, T. Sakuma, Y. Terui, K. Ueno, H. Yumoto, K. Yamauchi, K. Yamamura, H. Mimura, Y. Sano, M. Yabashi, K. Tamasaku, K. Nishio, Y. Nishino, K. Endo, K. Hatake, Y. Mori, Y. Ishizaka, and T. Ishikawa:
"Element Array by Scanning X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy after Cis-Diamminedichloro-Platinum(II) Treatment."
     Cancer Res.65(12), (2005), 4998-5002.
37. K. Takami, Y. Kuwahara, T. Ishii, M. Akai-Kasaya, A. Saito, M. Aono:
"Significant increase in conductivity of polydiacetylene thin film induced by iodine doping."
     Surf. Sci. 591(1-3) (2005) L273-L279.
38. A.Saito, J.Maruyama, K.Manabe, K.Kitamoto, K.Tkahashi, K.Takami, Y.Tanaka, D.Miwa, M.Yabashi, M.Ishii, Y.Takagi, M.Akai-Kasaya, S.Shin, T.Ishikawa, Y.Kuwahara, M.Aono:
"Development of scanning tunneling microscope for in-situ experiments with synchrotron radiation hard-X-ray microbeam."
     J. Shynchrotron Rad. 13, Part 2 (2006) 216-220.
39. A.Saito, J.Maruyama, K.Manabe, K.Kitamoto, K.Tkahashi, K.Takami, S.Hirotsune, Y.Tanaka, D.Miwa, M.Yabashi, M.Ishii, Y.Takagi, M.Akai-Kasaya, S.Shin, T.Ishikawa, Y.Kuwahara, M.Aono:
"Scanning tunneling microscope combined with hard x-ray micro-beam of high brilliance from synchrotron radiation source."
     Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.45, 3B (2006) 1913-1916.
40. T.Uemura, S.Yamaguchi, M.Akai-Kasaya, A.Saito, M.Aono, and Y.Kuwahara:
"Tunneling-current-induced light emission from individual carbon nanotubes."
     Surf. Sci. 600 (2006) L15-L19.
41. M.Akai-Kasaya, Y.Yamamoto, A.Saito, M.Aono, and Y.Kuwahara:
"Polaron Injection into a one-dimensional Polydiacetylene Nanowire."
     Jpn.J.Appl.Phys45, 3B (2006) 2049-2052.
42. M. Akai-Kasaya, K. Nishihara, A. Saito, M. Aono, Y. Kuwahara:
"Quantum Point Contact Switches Using Silver Particles."
   Appl.Phys.Lett., 88 (2006) 23107-23109.
43. K. Takami, M. Akai-Kasaya, A. Saito, M. Aono, Y. Kuwahara:
"Control of Conduction of Iodine-Doped Poly(3-octylthiophene) Thin Films by Double-Tip Scanning Tunneling Microscopy."
     Chem. Phys. Lett., 419 (2006) 250-253.
44. 高見和宏、赤井恵、齋藤 彰、青野正和、桑原裕司:
     精密工学会誌 72 (2006) 862-866.
45. A. Saito, Y.Miyamura, M.Nakajima, Y.Ishikawa, K.Sogo and Y.Hirai:
"Morpho-Blue Reproduced by Nano Casting Lithography."
   Proc. SPIE 6327, (2006) 63270Z, 1- 9.
46. T. Uemura, M. Furumoto, T. Nakano, M. Akai-Kasaya, M. Aono, A. Saito and Y. Kuwahara:
"Tunneling-Current-Induced Light Emission from Copper Phthalocyanine Thin Films"
   Surf. Sci. Nanotech. Vol. 4 (2006) 559-562.
47. Y. Higuchi, N. Ogami, M. Akai-Kasaya, A. Saito, M. Aono, and Y. Kuwahara:
"Application of Simple Mechanical Polishing to Fabrication of Nanogap Flat Electrode."
     Jpn.J.Appl.Phys. 45 (2006) L145 - L147.
48. A. Saito, M. Nakajima, Y. Miyamura, K. Sogo, Y. Ishikawa Y. Kuwahara and Y. Hirai:
"Reproduction of the Morpho Blue by Nano Casting Lithography".
     J. Vac.Sci. Technol. B(2006) 3248-3251.
49. A.Saito, K.Takahashi, Y.Takagi, K.Nakamatsu, K.Hanai, Y.Tanaka, D.Miwa, M.Akai-kasaya, S.Shin, S. Matsui, T.Ishikawa, Y.Kuwahara, M.Aono:
"Study for noise reduction in synchrotron radiation based scanning tunneling microscopy by developing insulator-coat tip" Surf. Sci. 601 (2007) 5294-5299.
50. 齋藤 彰, 高橋浩史, 高木康多, 花井和久, 中松健一郎, 細川博正, 田中義人, 三輪大五, 矢橋牧名, 松井真二, 石川哲也, 辛埴, 桑原裕司, 青野正和:
     表面科学会誌 28 (2007), 453-458.
51. 齋藤 彰、石川陽子、宮村友輔、中島匡司、十河健司、赤井恵、桑原裕司、平井義彦:
     表面科学会誌 28 (2007), 414-420.
52. T. Uemura, M. Furumoto, T. Nakano, M. Akai-Kasaya, A. Saito, M. Aono and Y. Kuwahara:
"Local-plasmon-enhanced up-conversion fluorescence from copper phthalocyanine"
     Chem. Phys. Lett. 448 (2007) 232-236.
53. A. Saito, Y.Ishikawa, Y.Miyamura, M. Akai-Kasaya, Y. Kuwahara:
"Optimization of reproduced Morpho-blue coloration"
   Proc. SPIE 6767-6 (2007) 1-8.
54. 石川陽子、宮村友輔、赤井恵、桑原裕司、齋藤 彰:
     粉体工学会誌 45 (3) (2008) 180-186.
55. A.Saito, Y.Takagi, K.Takahashi, H.Hosokawa, K.Hanai, T.Tanaka, M.Akai-kasaya, Y.Tanaka, S.Shin, T.Ishikawa, Y.Kuwahara, M.Aono:
"Nanoscale Elemental Identification by Synchrotron-Radiation based Scanning Tunneling Microscopy"
     Surf. Interface Anal. (2008), 1033-1036.
56. T. Kawanishi, T. Fujiwara, M. Akai-Kasaya, A. Saito, M. Aono, J. Takeya, and Y. Kuwahara:
"High-mobility organic single crystal transistors with submicrometer channels"
     Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 (2008) 23303-23305.
57. Y.Takagi, K.Hanai, H.Hosokawa, H.Ishibasghi,T.Ishikawa, A.Saito, Y.Kuwahara and Y.Taguchi:
"Roughening Surface of Layered Manganite La0.5Sr1.5MnO4 by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy"
     Jpn.J.Appl.Phys. 47(8) (2008) 6456-6458.
58. A.Saito, Y. Miyamura, Y. Ishikawa, J. Murase, M. Akai-Kasaya, Yuji Kuwahara:
"Reproduction, mass production, and control of the Morpho butterfly's blue"
     Proc. SPIE 7205, article No.720506 (2009) 9pages.
59. 齋藤 彰、宮村友輔、石川陽子、村瀬淳一、赤井恵、桑原裕司:
     J. Vac. Soc. Jpn. 52(4) (2009) 218-223.
60. Vygantas Mizeikis, Shigeru Kimura, Nikolay V. Surovtsev, Vygandas Jarutis, Akira Saito, Hiroaki Misawa and Saulius Juodkazis:
"Formation of amorphous sapphire by a femtosecond laser pulse inducedmicro-explosion"
     Appl. Surf. Sci. 255 (2009) 9745-9749.
61. A. Fujiki,T. Uemura, N. Zettsu, M. Akai-Kasaya, A.Saito, and Y. Kuwahara:
"Enhanced fluorescence by surface plasmon coupling of Au nanoparticles in an organic electroluminescence diode"
     Appl. Phys. Lett 96 (2010) 43307-43309.
62. M. Akai-Kasaya, C. Ohmori, T. kawanishi, M.Nashiki, A.Saito, M. Aono and Y. Kuwahara:
"Formation and electrical transport properties of pentacene nanorod crystal"
     Nanotechnology 21 (2010) 365601-365609.
63. S.Juodkazis, S.Kohara, Y.Ohishi, N.Hirao, A.Vailionis, V.Mizeikis, A.Saito, and A.Rode:
"Structural characterization of femtosecond laser modi_ed regions inside sapphire"
     J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol 11 (2011) 2931-2936.
64. S.Juodkazis, S.Kohara, Y.Ohishi, N.Hirao, A.Vailionis, V.Mizeikis, A.Saito, and A.Rode:
"Structural changes in femtosecond laser modified regions inside fused silica"
     J. Opt. 12 (2010) 124007-124011.
65. K Takami, S Tsuruta, Y Miyake, M Akai-Kasaya, A.Saito, M Aono and Y Kuwahara:
"Electrical conduction of organic ultrathin films evaluated by an independently driven double-tip scanning tunneling microscope"
     J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23 (2011), 434002 (6pages).
66. M. Akai-Kasaya, N. Shimada, A.Saito and Y. Kuwahara:
"Charge-carrier injection into pentacene thin film formed on Si(111) probed by STM spectroscopy"
     J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol 11 (2011) 2867-2872.
67. V. Mizeikis, S. Kohara, Y. Onishi, N. Hirao, A.Saito, A. Vailionis, S. Juodkazis:
"Synthesis of high-pressure phases of silica by laser-induced optical breakdown"
     Appl. Phys. A 104(3) (2011) 903-906.
68. T. Tanaka, Y. Totoki, A. Fujiki, N. Zettsu, Y. Miyake, M. Akai-Kasaya,A.Saito, T. Ogawa, and Y. Kuwahara:
"Enhanced Red-Light Emission by Local Plasmon Coupling of Au Nanorods in an Organic Light-Emitting Diode"
     Appl. Phys. Express 4 (2011) 32105-32107.
69. A.Saito, T. Tanaka, Y. Takagi, H. Hosokawa, H. Notsu, G. Ohzeki, Y. Tanaka, Y. Kohmura, M.Akai-Kasaya, T. Ishikawa, Y. Kuwahara, S. Kikuta, and M. Aono:
"Direct observation of X-ray induced Atomic Motion using STM combined with Synchrotron Radiation"
     J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol 11 (2011) 2873-2881.
70. A.Saito, M. Yonezawa, J. Murase, S. Juodkazis, V. Mizeikis, M. Akai-Kasaya, and Y. Kuwahara:
"Numerical analysis on the optical role of nano-randomness on the Morpho butterfly's scale"
     J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol 11 (2011) 2785-2792.
71. Aya Fujiki, Yusuke Miyake, Yasushi Oshikane, Megumi Akai-Kasaya, Akira Saito and Yuji Kuwahara:
"STM-induced light emission from thin films of perylene derivatives on the HOPG and Au substrates"
     Nanoscale Research Letters 6 (2011) 347-349.
72. A.Saito (review paper) :
"Material Design and Fabrication of Structural Color by Biomimetic Approach: Idea and Examples in Practical Industrial Directions" Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 12 (2011) p.064709 (13pages).
73. Y. Kuwahara, A.Saito, K. Arima and H. Ohmi:
"Center of Excellence for Atomically Controlled Fabrication Technology"
     J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol 11 (2011) 1-14.
74. A.Saito, J. Murase, M.Yonezawa, H. Watanabe, T. Shibuya, M. Sasaki, T. Ninomiya, S. Noguchi, M. Akai-Kasaya , Y.Kuwahara:
"High-throughput reproduction of the Morpho butterfly's specific high contrast blue"
     Proc. SPIE 8339-11(2012) 83390C (9 pages)..
75. A.Saito, Y. Tanaka, Y. Kohmura, M. Akai-Kasaya, T. Ishikawa, Y. Kuwahara, . and M. Aono:
"Verification of Thermal Effect produced by Irradiation for Scanning Tunneling Microscope combined with Brilliant Hard X-rays from Synchrotron Radiation"
     Curr. Appl. Phys. 12 (2012) S52-S56.
76. A.Saito, T. Shibuya, M.Yonezawa, M. Akai-Kasaya , Y.Kuwahara:
"Simulation analysis on the optical role of the number of randomly arranged nano-trees on the Morpho butterfly's scale"
     Proc. SPIE 8686 (2013) 86860J (8 pages).
77. M Akai-Kasaya, Y Okuaki, S Nagano, A.Saito, M Aono and Y Kuwahara:
"Isotropic charge transport in highly ordered regioregular poly(3-hexylthiophene) monolayer"
     J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 46 (2013) 425303 (7 pages).
78. A. Setiadi, M. Akai-Kasaya, A.Saito, and Y. Kuwahara:
"Advantages of flattened electrode in bottom contact single-walled carbon nanotube field-effect transistor"
     Appl. Phys. Lett. 105 (2014) 93506
79. A.Saito, Y.Furudate, Y.Kusui, T.Saito, M.Akai-Kasaya, Y.Tanaka, K.Tamasaku, Y. Kohmura, T. Ishikawa, Y. Kuwahara, and M. Aono:
"X-ray STM: Nanoscale elemental analysis and observation of atomic track"
     Microscopy 63, S1 (2014) i14-15.
80. S.Chaunchaiyakul, P.Krukowski, T.Tsuzuki, Y.Minagawa, M.Akai-Kasaya, A.Saito, H.Osuga, Y.Kuwahara:
"Self-Assembly Formation of M-Type Enantiomer of 2,13-Bis(hydroxymethyl)[7]-thiaheterohelicene Molecules on Au(111) Surface Investigated by STM/CITS"
     J. Phys. Chem. C 119, 37 (2015) 21434-21442.
81. A.Saito, K. Ishibashi, M. Akai-Kasaya , Y.Kuwahara:
"Simple mass-production method of substrate-free powders for applications of the Morpho-colored materials"
     Proc. SPIE 9429 (2015) 942912 (9 pages).
82. R.Yamauchi, Y.Hamasaki, T. Shibuya, A.Saito, N.Tsuchimine, K.Koyama, A.Matsuda, and M.Yoshimoto:
"Layer matching epitaxy of NiO thin films on atomically stepped sapphire (0001) substrates"
     Scientific Reports 5 (2015) 14385 (9pages).


1.  Y. Kuwahara,J. W. Wu, H. Kuramochi, A. Saito, M. Aono and Y. Mori:
"Control of Periodicity of Self-assembled Stearic Acid Molecules Assisted by Water Molecules."
     Preliminary Proc. of STM'99, (1999), p136-137.

2.  A.Saito , Y.Kuwahara , M.Aono:
"Elemental analysis STM on 27m soft X-ray ID beamline."
     The 4th InternationalWorkshop on the Use of Coherenet Soft X-ray from a 27m Long Undulator at SPring-8, Nov.10-11 (2000), p.129-132.

3.  A. Saito, K. Matoba, J. Maruyama, Y. Kuwahara,K. Miki, and M.Aono:
"Structural Analysis of Bismuth Nanowire by X-ray Standing Wave Method."
     Proc. of International COE Symposium on Ultra-precision Science & Technology, Osaka Univ., Japan, Mar.6-8 (2001) p.245-250.

4.  A. Saito:
"Structural Analysis of One-Dimensional Nano-Architecture by X-ray Standing Wave Method."
     Extended Abst. of the International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, Nagoya, (2002), p.262-263.

5.  A. Saito, H. Matsumoto, S. Ohnisi, M. Akai-Kasaya, Y. Kuwahara and M. Aono:
"Atomic-scale Smoothing and Structural Analysis of LiNbO3 Surface."
     Extended Abst. of the International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, Tokyo (2003) p.594-595.

6.  A.Saito , K.Matoba , J.Maruyama , W.Yashiro , T.Ohashi , H.Takaki , K.Takami , M.Akai- Kasaya , Y.Kuwahara , Y.Yoda , O.Sakata , K.Miki , M.Aono:
"Characterization of Buried Nanowire by X-ray Standing Wave"
     AVS 50th International Symposium & Exhibition, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, USA, Nov.2-7, 2003 (program p. 104).

7.  A. Saito, K. Shimizu, S. Ohnisi, M. Akai-Kasaya, M. Aono, Y. Kuwahara:
"Structural Study of Metallic Growth on Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Single Crystal by Coaxial Impact-Collision Ion Scattering Spectroscopy."
     Extended Abst. of the International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, Tokyo (2004) p.334-335.

8.  A. Saito, J.Maruyama , K.Manabe , K.Kitamoto , K.Tkahashi , Y.Tanaka , M.Yabashi , M.Ishii , M.Akai-Kasaya , S.Shin , T.Ishikawa , Y.Kuwahara , M.Aono:
"Scanning Tunneling Microscope Assisted with Inner-Shell Excitation by Hard X-ray Micro-Beam"
     AVS 52nd International Symposium & Exhibition, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, USA, Oct.30-Nov.4, 2005 (program p.60).

9.  Y.Hirai, M.Nakajima , Y.Miyamura , K.Sogo , Y.Ishikawa and A.Saito
" Reproduction of the Morpho Blue by Nano Casting Lithography".
     50th International Conference on Electron, Ion and Photon Beam Technol. & Nanofabrication (EIPBN), Baltimore, USA (2006).

10.  A.Saito, K.Takahashi , Y.Takagi , K.Kitamoto , K.Hanai , Y.Tanaka , D.Miwa , M.Yabashi , S.Shin , T.Ishikawa , Y.Kuwahara , M.Aono:
"Scanning Tunneling Microscopy for Nanoscale Surface Chemical Analysis based on Synchrotron Radiation"
     The 10th ISSP International Symposium (ISSP-10) on Nanoscience at Surfaces, ISSP, Univ. of Tokyo, Kashiwa, 9-13 Oct. (2006), p. 62.

11.  K.Takahashi, A. Saito, Y.Takagi , K.Hanai , H.Hosokawa , Y.Tanaka , D.Miwa , M.Yabashi , S.Shin, T. Ishikawa, Y.Kuwahara , M.Aono:
"Scanning Tunneling Microscope combined with Hard X-ray Micro-beam from 27m Long Undulator"
     The 7th JKT Symposium on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, SPring-8, Japan, Oct. 27-28 (2006), p.D1.

      Best Poster Prize 受賞

12.  A. Saito, K.Takahashi , Y.Takagi , K.Hanai , H.Hosokawa , Y.Tanaka , D.Miwa , M.Yabashi , S.Shin, T. Ishikawa, Y.Kuwahara , M.Aono:
"Nanoscale Surface Analysis using Scanning Tunneling Microscope combined with SR-based Hard X-ray Micro-beam"
     The 7th JKT Symposium on Strongly Correlated Electron Systems, SPring-8, Japan, Oct. 27-28 (2006), p.D1.

13. Akira SAITO
"Mystery of Morpho Butterfly’s Blue -“structural color” Based on Bio-nanostructures & its Applications-"
     The 7th International Symposium on biomimetic Materials Processing, Nagoya Univ., Nagoya, Japan, Jan.23-25 (2007) p.8.

14.  A.SAITO, Y.Takagi, K.Takahashi, H.Hosokawa, M.Akai-Kasaya, Y.Tanaka, S.Shin,T. Ishikawa, Y.Kuwahara, and M.Aono:
"Nanoscale Surface Analysis using STM Coupled with Highly Brilliant Hard X-ray micro-beam"
     International 21st Century COE Symposium on Atomistic Fabrication Technology, Osaka Univ., Japan, Oct.15-17 (2007) p.77-78.

15.  Akira SAITO
"High Resolution Elemental Analysis and its Applications: from Single Biological Cell to Single Nanometer Scale."
     The 8th International Symposium. on biomimetic Materials Processing, Nagoya Univ., Nagoya, Japan, Jan.21-24 (2008) p.5.

16.  Y.Ishikawa, Y.Miyamura, S.Okano, M.Akai-Kasaya, Y.Kuwahara, A. SAITO:
"Reproduction of Morpho-butterfly's blue ~ Optimization of the Optical Property and its Future Prospect."
     The 8th International Symposium. on biomimetic Materials Processing, Nagoya Univ., Nagoya, Japan, Jan.21-24 (2008) p.87.

17.  A. SAITO:
"Specific Surface Structure to Reproduce the Morpho-butterfly's Brilliant Blue"
     The 17th World Interfinish Congress and Exposition, Haeundae-Grand Hotel, Busan, Korea, June 16-18 (2008) p.100.

18.  A.SAITO, Y.Takagi, K.Takahashi, H.Hosokawa, T.Tanaka, M.Akai-Kasaya, Y.Tanaka, S.Shin,T. Ishikawa, Y.Kuwahara, and M.Aono:
"Nanoscale elemental analysis by SR-based Scanning Tunneling Microscope at 27m long Undulator of SPring-8."
     The 9th International Conference on X-Ray Microscopy, Zurich, Switzerland, Jul 21-25 (2008) p.15.

19.  A.SAITO, J. Murase, M. Akai-Kasaya, Y. Kuwahara:
"Development of Application Studies on Artificial Morpho-Butterfly's Color."
     The 9th International Symposium on biomimetic Materials Processing, Nagoya Univ., Nagoya, Japan, Jan.20-23 (2009) 8.

20.  A.SAITO, Y. Miyamura, Y. Ishikawa, J. Murase, M. Akai-kasaya and Y.Kuwahara:
"Bio-Mimetic Optical Thin Film with Specific Nanostructure-Morpho-Butterfly's Mystery and Applications-"
     1st International Symposium on Atomically Controlled Fabrication Technology, Osaka, Feb.16-17 (2009), 24-25.

21.  A.SAITO, J. Murase, M. Akai-Kasaya, Y. Kuwahara:
"Reproduction, Mass Production, and Control of Morpho Butterfly's Color."
     Workshop "Bio-inspired Photonic Structures", San Sebastian-Donostia, Spain, 9-15 July (2009), 14.



1. H.Oyanagi, M.Ishii, C.H.Lee, N.L.Saini, Y.Kuwahara, A.Saito, H.Hashimoto, Y.Izumi, M.Kiri, M.Jinno, and Y.Ueno:
"XAFS Using Tunable X-Ray Undulator."
     Bulletin of the Electrotechnical Laboratory, Vol.62 No.9 (1998).

2.  桑原裕司、齋藤彰、青野正和:
     生産と技術, Vol.51, No.4, (1999),p.55-58.

3.  大柳宏之、石井真史、李哲虎、N.L.Saini、桑原裕司、齋藤彰、橋本秀樹、泉康雄:
"挿入光源(BL10XU)と第三世代XAFS −高輝度光源のもたらす世界−."
     日本結晶学会誌 42(1), (2000),p.41-50.

4.  齋藤彰, 奥山清市:
     Structural Color, Vol.1 (1),(2001), p.11-14.

5.  Akira SAITO:
"Mimicry in microscopic structure."
     O plus E, 23 (3) (2001),319-322.

6.  石川哲也、矢橋牧名、玉作賢治、スボロフアレクセイ、山内和人、山村和也、三村秀和、齋藤彰、森勇蔵:
     日本放射光学会誌 15(5), (2002),p.296-302.

7.  吉岡伸也、齋藤彰、木下修一:
     応用物理 73 (10) (2004) p.939-942.

8.  木下修一、吉岡伸也、齋藤彰:
"Reproduce the color of the Morpho butterfly -- Mystery of the structural color and its application to industrial products--"
     化学 59 No.6 (2004) p.27-31.

9. M. Shimura, A. Saito, Y. Ishizaka:
"Element Array by Scanning X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy after Cis-diamminedichloro-platinum (II) Treatment"
     SPring-8 Frontiers ‘05 (2006), 31-32.

10.  齋藤 彰、平井義彦
"1枚の写真− モルフォブルーの再現−",
     O plus E 28 (9) (2006) p.883-884.

11.  齋藤 彰
"「モルフォ蝶発色の原理と応用」を中心に 〜 量子ビームと物質との相互作用: ナノサイエンスへのさまざまな応用 〜"
     JST, 研究開発戦略センター, 分野融合フォーラム「伝統工芸と科学技術」 報告書
     CRDS-FY2006-WR-18 (,pp.95-100, (2007.3月)

12.  齋藤 彰:
"ナノインプリント法によるモルフォ再現基板の新たな展開 ~ 空間分布制御・量産効率向上・色制御."
     O plus E 30 (2), (2008) p.156-162.

13.  A. Saito, Y. Kuwahara and M. Aono:
"Development of a scanning tunneling microscope for in situ experiments with a synchrotron radiation hard X-ray microbeam."
     SPring-8 Frontiers '07 (2008)172-173.

14.  齋藤 彰:
     福井希一・栗原佐智子編, 図鑑『キャンパスに咲く花−豊中編』 大阪大学出版 (2009) 108-109.

16.  齋藤 彰、米澤賢、村瀬淳一、赤井恵、桑原裕司:
"生物に学ぶ特異な構造発色体の開発 〜色素フリー・省材料・無退色・高効率・広視野角・単色の発色体〜"
     光アライアンス 22(7) (2011) 15-20.

17.  齋藤 彰:
"放射光STMによる新たなナノスケール観察: 元素分析と原子移動"
     X線結像光学ニューズレター 33 (2011) 1-4.

18.  A. Saito:
"A New Guide on the Methodology and Derived Optical Principles Underlying Morpho Butterfly Wing Coloration"
     J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Online (News and Comments), May (2011) 1-2.

19.  齋藤 彰:
     化学工業 63 (2) (2012) 47-51.

20.  A. Saito, Y. Kuwahara and M. Aono:
"Direct Observation of X-ray Induced Atomic Motion using SR-based STM"
     SPring-8 Frontiers 2011 (2012) 155-156.

21.  齋藤 彰:
     農業機械 75(1) (2013) 11-15.

22.  齋藤 彰:
     生産と技術 , 65(4) (2013) 33-37.

23.  齋藤 彰:
     日本画像学会誌 53(3) (2014) 216-223.

24.  齋藤 彰:
     放射光学会誌 27(5) (2014) 269-271.

25.  齋藤 彰:
"ISO/ TC266 WG1ベルギー会議"
     PEN 5(8) (2014) 4-7.

26.  齋藤 彰:
"光と物質表面の相互作用 -モルフォ蝶に学ぶ構造色-"
     日本学術振興会 第142委員会 第124回研究会 (2015) 16-24.

27.  齋藤 彰:
     精密工学会誌 81(5) (2015) 410-414.

28.  齋藤 彰:
     機能材料 , 35(7) (2015) 20-26.


1. 1. S.Nakatani, A.Saito, T.Takahashi, Y.Kuwahara, M.Aono and S. Kikuta:
"Structure Analysis of Si(111)√3×√3-Sb structure by X-ray Diffraction."
     Photon Factory Activity Report #9 (1991), p.199.

2. K.Izumi, A.Saito, N.Horiguchi and S.Kikuta:
"Characterization of Antimony Atomic Layer Doped Crystal by X-ray Standing Wave Method."
     Photon Factory Activity Report #9 (1991), p.326.

3. A.Saito, K.Izumi, Y.Kunimune, N.Sakamoto and S.Kikuta:
"Analysis of Si(111)5x2-Au surface by Soft X-ray Standing Wave Method."
     Photon Factory Activity Report #11 (1994), p.273.

4. A.Saito, K.Izumi, Y.Kunimune,N.Sakamoto and S.Kikuta:
"Grazing Incidence X-ray diffraction at Bragg angles near 90゚."
     Photon Factory Activity Report #11 (1994), p.271.

5. A.Saito, K.Izumi, Y.Kunimune, N.Sakamoto, T.Watanabe, J.Oizumi and S.Kikuta:
"Structural Analysis of Au/Si(111) surface by Soft X-ray Standing Wave Method."
     Photon Factory Activity Report #11 (1994), p.272.

6.  A.Saito and T.Matsushita:
"Application of the X-ray Standing Wave Analysis to the Yttria Doped Zirconia Crystal."
     Photon Factory Activity Report #15 (1997), p.94.

7.  A.Saito and T.Matsushita:
"Structural Study of YSZ Crystals by the X-ray Standing Wave Method."
     Photon Factory Activity Report #15(1997), p.221.

8. S.Nakatani, W.Yashiro, S.Kusano, T.Takahashi, T.Shimura, A.Saito, Y.Kashihara, M.Yabashi, N. Kashiwagura, Y.Fujii, M.Ito, M.Sugiyama, M.Takahasi, and Y.Yoda:
"Preliminary Experiments of Surface and Interface in BL09XU."
     SPring-8 User Experiment Report, 1998 A No.2, p.103.

9. Y.Kuwahara, H.Oyanagi, A.Saito, C.H.Lee, M.Ishii, and Y.Izumi:
"A Sensitive XAFS study using tunable X-ray undulator."
     SPring-8 User Experiment Report, 1998 A No.2, p.124.

10. H.Oyanagi, M.Ishii, C.H.Lee, N.L.Saini, Y.Kuwahara, A.Saito, Y.Izumi, and H.Hashimoto:
"Development of Ultra-high Density Solid State Detector Array for Rapid and Sensitive XAFS."
     >SPring-8 User Experiment Report, 1998 A No.2, p.128.

11. N.L.Saini, H.Oyanagi, M.Ishii, C.H.Lee, Y.Kuwahara, A.Saito, Y.Izumi, and H.Hashimoto:
"Facility for temperature dependent XAFS at BL10XU."
     SPring-8 User Experiment Report, 1998 A No.2, p.129.

12. C.H.Lee, H.Oyanagi, M.Ishii, Y.Kuwahara, A.Saito, Y.Izumi, and H.Hashimoto:
"Development of Polarized XAFS Measurements for Small Single Crystals."
     SPring-8 User Experiment Report, 1998 A No.2, p.130.

13. H.Nagamori, Y.Izumi, H.Oyanagi, M.Ishii, C.H.Lee, Y.Kuwahara, A.Saito, and H.Hashimoto:
"Development of control software for fluorescence XAFS measurement."
     SPring-8 User Experiment Report, 1998 A No.2, p.131.

14. A.Saito, K.Yamasaki, S.Suwa, K.Takami, and Y.Kuwahara:
"Preliminary Study for the X-ray Standing Wave Analysis of the Electrode/Zirconia Interface."
     SPring-8 User Experiment Report, 1998 A No.2, p.106.

15. W.Yahiro, A.Saito, K.Yamasaki, and T.Takahashi:
"Modulation of CTR Scattering under Bragg Condition."
     SPring-8 User Experiment Report, 1998 A No.2, p.104.

16. A.Saito, S.Suwa, K.Takami, S.Ishida, K.Shimizu, and Y.Kuwahara:
"Preliminary Study for the X-ray Standing Wave Analysis of the Electrode/Zirconia Interface."
     SPring-8 User Experiment Report, 1999 A, No.3, p.103.

17. A.Saito , S.Ishida , T.Kurata , and Y.Kuwahara:
"X-ray Standing Wave Analysis of the Electrode/ Zirconia (solid state electrolyte) Interface."
     SPring-8 User Experiment Report, 1999 B, No.4, p.83.

18. 齋藤彰:
(Generation of Atrophaneura alcinous in Yamada-Oka, Suita city)."
     Nature Study 46, 10 (2000) p.117-118.

19. A Saito, K. Matoba, J. Maruyama, T. Ohashi, H. Takaki, Y Kuwahara, K. Miki and M.Aono:
"Structural Analysis of One-Dimensional Quantum Structure by X-ray Standing Wave Method."
     SPring-8 User Experiment Report, 2001 A, No.7, p.76.

20. 齋藤彰:
     The 1st Workshop on Quantum Materials Research , 2001.6.29, SPring-8, p.103-108.

21. 齋藤彰:
(Locally condensed generation of Atrophaneura alcinous and its progress in Suita campus of Osaka university)."
     昆虫と自然 (The Nature and insects) 36, 7 (2001) p.29-31.

22. A Saito, T. Ohashi, H. Takaki, K. Matoba, W. Yashiro, K. Miki, O. Sakata, H. Tajiri, T. Shimura, M. Ito, K. Sumitani, and T. Takahashi:
"Structural Analysis of One-Dimensional Quantum Structure in Ultra High Vacuum by X-ray Standing Wave Method."
     SPring-8 User Experiment Report, 2002 A, No.9, p.96.

23. T.Shimura, K.Fukuda, T.Yoshida, A.Saito, O.Sakata, M.Ito, K.Sumitani, T.Takahashi:
"Measurement of the fractional-order reflections of an Si(111) 7x7 reconstructed Surface."
     SPring-8 User Experiment Report, 2002 A No.9, p.93.

24. M.Nakamura , K.Sumitani , X.Shaoxing , K.Tanaka , T.Shimura , A.Saito , M.Ito , O.Sakata, and T.Takahashi:
"Reconstruction of surface and subsurface layers of Pt(111) at 25K studied by surface X-ray diffraction."
     SPring-8 User Experiment Report, 2002 A No.9, p.94.

25. 齋藤彰:
     The 2nd Workshop on Quantum Materials Research, 2002.7.12, SPring-8, p.83-94.

26. A Saito,T. Ohashi, H. Takaki, K. Matoba, W. Yashiro, K. Miki, O. Sakata, Yi Min Su, and T.Takahashi:
"In-situ Observation of One-Dimensional Quantum Structure in Ultra-High Vacuum by X-ray Standing Wave Method."
     SPring-8 User Experiment Report, 2002 B, No.10, p.81.

"Structural Analysis of Buried Nanowire by X-ray Standing Wave Method."
     Photon Factory Activity Report #20 B, (2002) p. 50.

28. O.Sakata,Y.Imai , T.Kudo , Y.Shimada , A.Saito , T.Ohashi , H.Takaki:
"Setup of a beam conditioner for an x-ray standing wave measurement at BL13XU."
     SPring-8 User Experiment Report, 2002 B No.10, p.80.

29. 齋藤彰:
     The 3rd Workshop on Quantum Materials Research, 2003.2.21, SPring-8, p.27-29.

30.  A Saito, H. Takaki, J. Maruyama, K. Matoba,Y. YODA, W. Yashiro, K. Miki, M.Aono:
"Three-dimensional Structural Analysis of Buried Nano-wire by X-ray Standing Wave Method."
     SPring-8 User Experiment Report, 2003 A No.11, p.75.

31. 齋藤彰:
"放射光STM 開発の現状と今後の計画"
     The 5th Workshop on Quantum Materials Research, 2004.5.22, SPring-8, p.179-188.

32. 齋藤彰:
     The 6th Workshop on Quantum Materials Research, 2005.6.11, SPring-8, p.28-30.

33. 齋藤彰:
"放射光STMの現状 −分析精度向上の鍵と世界の動向― "
     The 9th Workshop on Quantum Materials Research, 2006.5.23, SPring-8, p.169-176.

著  書

1. K.Izumi , A.Saito, and S.Kikuta:
"Metal-Semiconductor Interface":
     Ohmsha, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan (1995), p.309-321, "X-ray Standing Wave Method."

2. A. Saito:
"Structural Color in Biological Systems - Principles and Applications":
     Osaka Univ. Press, Osaka, Japan (2005), p.287-295. , ISBN4-87259-195-X.
Chap 6. "Materials of Structural Coloration, Morpho Substrate."

3.  齋藤彰、青野正和:
"表面物性工学ハンドブック 第2版" (丸善, Jan 2007), ISBN-13: 978-4621078389.
     27.1節 トピックス: STMによる元素分析, pp. 961-965.

4.  齋藤彰、桑原裕司、青野正和:
"Nano-Imaging (ナノイメージング)", (NTS社, 2008 3-4月).
     第4編, 第2章, 第2節 : 放射光走査型トンネル顕微鏡によるナノスケールでの表面元素分析. Chap4.2, p.278-286.

5.  齋藤彰:
"次世代バイオミメティクス研究の最前線", (下村政嗣(東北大)編, シーエムシー出版, 2011).
     第3章19節:モルフォ蝶の謎に学ぶ単色・高輝度・広視野角な色素フリー構造発色体. p.260-265.

6. A. Saito:
"Special photonic materials inspired by Morpho-butterfly's mystery":
     ed. O. Karthaus, "Biomimetic Photonics" (TAYLOR and FRANCIS Books, 2012).
Chap. 2. Structural colors,§4: pp. 96-115.

7. A. Saito:
"Optical role of the independent disorders revealed by FDTD simulation":
     ed. O. Karthaus, "Biomimetic Photonics" (TAYLOR and FRANCIS Books, 2012).
Chap. 7. Modeling,§2: pp. 226-242.

8. A. Saito:
"Direct observation of the X-ray-induced atomic motion":
     ed. Klaus Sattler, "Fundamentals of Picoscience" (TAYLOR and FRANCIS Books, 2013)
Chap. 31, pp. 585-592.

9.  齋藤彰:
     第1章 §2.16. "STMによる元素分析" pp. 24.

10.  齋藤彰:
"超精密加工と表面科学" (大阪大学出版会, 2014) .
     第3章§3. "放射光走査トンネル顕微鏡" pp.347-354.

11.  齋藤彰:
"生物模倣技術と新材料・新製品開発への応用" , (技術情報協会 編2014).
    第7章 6節 "モルフォ・ブルー再現基板の作製" pp.438-444.

12.  齋藤彰:
"すごいぞ!身の回りの表面科学" , (講談社ブルーバックス, 日本表面科学会編 2015).
     コラム:電子線回折 in press (2 pages).


1.  藤井恒男 著:
"グリーンテクノロジー〜化学からのアプローチ〜", (中央経済社, 2009.3.31) p.193.

2.  香坂玲 著:
"生物多様性と私たち", (岩波ジュニア新書, 2011.5) p.47.

3.  松田素子, 江口絵理, 西澤真樹子 (著), 石田秀輝 (監修):
"ヤモリの指から不思議なテープ ", アリス館 (2011.12.21). 第11章モルフォ蝶 p.88-97.(齋藤が似顔絵で登場)

特  許

1. 特許名 発色体.
   発明者 齋藤 彰、木下修一.
   特許番号  特願2001-241496.
   公開番号  特開2003-53875.
   出願年月日 2001年8月9日.

2. 特許名 発色体とその製造方法.
   発明者 齋藤 彰、吉岡伸也、木下修一.
   特許番号  特願2003-391572.
   公開番号  特開2005-153192.
   出願年月日 2003年11月21日.(2008年9月27日 特許成立)

3. 特許名 ニオブ酸リチウム基板およびその製造方法.
   発明者 齋藤 彰、松本英雄、大西秀治、青野正和.
   特許番号  特願2004-101707.
   出願年月日 2004年3月30日

4. 特許名 フローサイトメーター.
   発明者 齋藤 彰.
   特許番号  特願2004-207518. (国際特許公開 WO2006/006551)
   出願年月日 2004年7月14日.

5. 特許名 走査型プローブ顕微鏡システム.
   発明者 齋藤 彰、青野正和、桑原裕司、丸山淳平、真鍋賢.
   特許番号  特願2005-90396. (国際特許公開 WO2006/103937)
   出願年月日 2005年3月28日.

6. 特許名 タンタル酸リチウム基板およびその製造方法ならびにタンタル酸リチウム基板の表面処理方法法.
   発明者 齋藤 彰、青野正和、大西秀治、武尾篤、松本英雄.
   特許番号  特願2005-090360.
   出願年月日 2005年3月28日.

7. 特許名 表示装置およびその製造方法.
   発明者 齋藤 彰.
   特許番号  特願2006-47529.
   出願年月日 2006年2月23日.
8. 特許名 走査型リアルタイム顕微システムおよび走査型X線高速描画システム.
   発明者 齋藤 彰.
   特許番号  特願2009-118868.
   出願年月日 2009年5月15日.



1. 齋藤彰(1時間)
     2001.9.7, 15:10-16:10 フォトンセンター総合調査委員会計測技術調査WG, 阪大工学部.
2. 齋藤彰(1時間)
     2003.7.14, e-learning FRe-大学 ナノ工学を学ぶ最先端講座 ナノアーキテクトニクス第4講 (ネット配信) .
3. 齋藤彰(2時間)
"モルフォ蝶の青色の再現 −切れ切れ多層膜の本質について−"
     2004.2.19, 13:00〜15:00 ロレアル・カラー研究会 東京(霞ヶ関ビル33階・ 東海の間).
4. 齋藤彰(45分)
表面科学会主催/(社)応用物理学会協賛 2006年度 市民講座 「光と色の表面科学」
     2006.8.5, 13:05-13:50 名古屋工業大学.
5. 齋藤彰(30分)
        〜 量子ビームと物質との相互作用: ナノサイエンスへのさまざまな応用〜"
     2006.12.2-3京都 JST主催  分野融合フォーラム「伝統工芸と科学技術」 .
6. 齋藤彰(80分)
     2007.2.9 第65回CSTCフォーラム、名古屋・栄ガスビル.
7. 齋藤彰(90分)
     2008.8.25 15:00 -16:30 クロモジェニック研究会、名古屋大学.
8. 齋藤彰(50分)
     2008.12.7 15:30 -16:20日本蝶類学会バタフライズ・フォーラム@「デイナイスホテル東京」2F『蘭の間』.
9. 齋藤彰(45分)
"Bio-inspired Photonic Materials and Applications"
     Seminar on photonics, information, and bio-sciences within the Global Research Leader development program, 静岡大学, Dec. 8 (2009).
10. 齋藤彰(25分)
     東大物性研 短期研究会「顕微分光とナノサイエンスの発展」東大物性研, Feb.22-23 (2010).
11. 齋藤彰(25分)
     日本放射光学会第2回若手研究会「顕微分光のフロンティア」東京大学, Aug.3-4 (2010).
12. 齋藤彰(30分)
     大阪大学「物質・材料科学研究推進機構」総会・講演会, 大阪大学, Mar.18 (2011).
13. 齋藤彰(120分)
     阪大博物館・大阪大学創立80周年記念講演, 大阪大学博物館, 豊中, Apr.30 (2011).
14. 齋藤彰(60分)
"手塚治虫の驚異 〜科学と漫画を軸にした一般教養〜 「頭を使うのは楽しい!」"
     阪大応用自然科学科・春の新入生歓迎講演会, 大阪大学豊中キャンパス, May 19 (2011).
15. Akira SAITO(25分/国内の物理学会だが発表は英語)
"Elemental Analysis at 1 nm Scale by STM combined with Highly Brilliant Hard X-rays"
     第66回物理学会年次大会 領域9,5合同シンポジウムNanoscience by the fusion of light and scanning probe microscopy -28aTG, 富山大学, Sep.24 (2011).
16. 齋藤彰(40分)
     関西学院大学理工学部50周年記念・物理講演会「ナノマテリアルと生体分子システムの物理科学」, 関西学院大, Oct. 8 (2011).
17. 齋藤彰(60分)
"光と物質表面の相互作用 -モルフォ蝶に学ぶ構造色-"
     日本学術振興会 第130委員会(バイオと光エレクトロニクスの接点), 東京理科大・森戸記念館, Oct. 21 (2011).
18. 齋藤彰(25分)
     X線結像光学シンポジウム, 東北大学多元研, Nov. 4-5 (2011).
19. 齋藤彰
     多重極限物質科学研究センターシンポジウム, 兵庫県立大学, Mar.28 (2012).
20. 齋藤彰
     真空学会 連合講演会, 神戸, Nov.14-16 (2012).

(2015.10.30現在、38件 (2015.11月中に更新予定))

(国際会議の招待・依頼講演/ 国内でも英語・フランス語はここに分類)

1. A.Saito, Y.Kuwahara, M.Aono:
"Elemental analysis STM on 27m soft X-ray ID beamline."
     The 4th International . Workshop on the Use of Coherenet Soft X-ray from a 27m Long Undulator at SPring-8, SPring-8, Japan, Nov.10-11 (2000).
2. Akira SAITO
"Interactions entre la lumière et les nano-structures biologiques: de nouvelles applications."
     4èmes Rencontres Scientifiques Francophones du Kansai (RSFK), Institut Franco-Japonais du Kansai, salle Inabata, Kyoto, Apr. 17 (2004), 14:00-15:10 (フランス語).
3.  A.Saito(Speaker), S. Yoshioka, S. Kinoshita:
"Reproduction of the Morpho butterfly's blue"
     L'Oréal Art and Science of Color Prize (2004 the 7th, GOLD PRIZE).
     受賞講演, 東京(丸ビル7Fホール), Oct. 1 (2004).
4. A.Saito, J.Maruyama, K.Manabe, K.Kitamoto, K.Tkahashi, Y.Tanaka, D.Miwa, Y.Takagi, M.Yabashi, M.Ishii, M.Akai-Kasaya, S.Shin, T.Ishikawa, Y.Kuwahara, M.Aono:
"Coupling of Scanning Tunneling Microscope with Brilliant Hard X-ray Micro-Beam at SPring-8",
     Workshop on the Coupling of Synchrotron Radiation IR and X-rays with Tip based Scanning Probe Microscopies, ESRF, Grenoble, France,Nov.16-18 (2005).
5. Akira SAITO
"Interaction of Quantum Beam and Materials: Various Applications in Nanoscience"
     IFCAM (International Frontier Center for Advanced Materials) Seminar, IMR (Institute for Materials Research), Tohoku University, Jul. 11 (2006), 13:00-16:00.
6. Akira SAITO
"Mystery of Morpho Butterfly's Blue -"structural color" Based on Bio-nanostructures & its Applications-"
     The 7th International Symposium on biomimetic Materials Processing, Nagoya Univ., Nagoya, Japan, Jan.23-25 (2007).
7. Akira SAITO
"Reproduction and Mass-production of Morpho butterfly's Blue"
     SPIE, Optics East 2007, Seaport World Trade Center, Boston, USA, Sep. 9-12 (2007).
8. Akira SAITO
"High Resolution Elemental Analysis and its Applications: from Single Biological Cell to Single Atomic Scale."
     The 8th International Symposium. on biomimetic Materials Processing, Nagoya Univ., Nagoya, Japan, Jan.21-24 (2008).
9. Akira SAITO
"Specific Surface Structure to Reproduce the Morpho-butterfly's Brilliant Blue."
     The 17th World Interfinish Congress and Exposition, Haeundae-Grand Hotel, Busan, Korea, June 16-18 (2008).
10. Akira SAITO
     The 9th International Symposium. on biomimetic Materials Processing, Nagoya Univ., Nagoya, Japan, Jan.20-24 (2009).
11. Akira SAITO
"3D engineering of photonic structures - an example of morpho butterfly."
     SPIE Photonics West 2009, San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, California, USA, Jan 24-29 (2009).
12. Akira SAITO
"Versatile Photon-Matter Interactions in Interdisciplinary Fields."
     Frontiers in Nanoscience and Technology Multi-Dimension Seminar, Japan Advanced Institute of Science & Technology, June 19 (2009).
13. Akira SAITO
"Artificial Morpho-Butterfly's color based on Specific Nano-disorders: - Applicable and Fundamental Approaches."
     The 10th International Symposium. on biomimetic Materials Processing, Nagoya Univ., Nagoya, Japan, Jan.26-29 (2010).
14. Akira SAITO
"Medical Application of Synchrotron-Radiation-based Biological and Chemical Analyses."
     BIT Life Sciences' 1st Annual World Congress of NanoMedicine-2010, Beijing International Convention Center, Beijing, China, Oct. 23-25 (2010).
15. Akira SAITO
"Morpho-Butterfly's Color originated from Specific Nano-Disorders - Approaches from Basic Science and Application Technologies -"
     MRS Korea, Muju Resort, Muju, Jeonbuk, Korea, Nov.11-12 (2010).
16. Akira SAITO
"Applications of Morpho-butterfly's strange blue based on Nano-randomness."
     1st Korea-Japan Symposium on Surface Technology, Songdo Park Hotel, Incheon, Korea, Nov.25-26 (2010).
17. Akira SAITO
"Advances in Theoretical & Application Studies on the Specific Photonic Properties of Morpho-butterfly's Color."
     The 11th International Symposium on biomimetic Materials Processing, Nagoya Univ., Nagoya, Japan, Jan.25-28 (2011).
18. Akira SAITO
"Material Design and Fabrication of Structural Color using a Biomimetic Approach: Mystery of Morpho- Butterfly's Blue."
     Japan-America Frontiers of Engineering Symposium (日米工学アカデミー), Rihga Royal Hotel, Osaka, Jun.5-8 (2011).
19. Akira SAITO
"Applications of Photon-Matter Interaction in Interdisciplinary Fields: ~ from 1 nm order elemental analysis to the mystery of the butterfly's blue ~"
     XSD (X-ray Science Divition)/MIC Speccial Presentation, C010, Build.431, APS, Argonne National Lab., Chicago, USA, Jul. 26 (2011).
20. Akira SAITO
"Nano-scale Elemental Analysis and applications by Synchrotron-Radiation-based STM."
     Nano-S & T (BIT's 1st World Annual Congress), World Expo Center, Dalian, China, Oct.23-26 (2011).
21.  A.SAITO, M.Yonezawa, T.Shibuya, M. Akai-Kasaya, Y. Kuwahara:
"Special photonic materials inspired by the Morpho-butterfly's mystery - analysis, design, fabrication and applications-."
     4th International Symposium on Atomically Controlled Fabrication Technology, Osaka, Oct.31-Nov.2 (2011).
22. Akira SAITO
"High Resolution Chemical Analyses using Synchrotron Radiation for Medical Applications."
     The 5th China Medical Biotech Forum (CMBF-2011), Beijing International Convention Center, China, Nov. 7-9 (2011).
23. Akira SAITO
"Biomimetic Photonic materials based on the Morpho-butterfly's mystery."
     Special Seminar in the IC/CAS, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, Nov. 10 (2011).
24. Akira SAITO
"Large-area high-throughput reproduction of the Morpho butterfly's color by laser ablation for practical applications."
     SPIE Smart Nano-Micro Materials and Devices, Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia, Dec.4-7 (2011).
25. Akira SAITO
"Advancement in the Studies on the Specific Photonic Properties of Morpho-butterfly's Color."
     The 12th International Symposium. on biomimetic Materials Processing, Nagoya Univ., Nagoya, Japan, Jan.25-28 (2012).
26. Akira SAITO
"Large area & high-speed reproduction of the Morpho butterfly's color for true practical applications."
     SPIE Smart Structures and Materials & Nondestructive Evaluation and Health Monitoring, Town and Country Resort and Convention Center, San Diego, California, USA, Mar. 11-15 (2012).
27. Akira SAITO
"Photon-Matter Interaction in Interdisciplinary Fields: ~ from 1 nm order elemental analysis to the mystery of the butterfly's blue ~"
     Special Seminar, Dept. Electrophysics in NATIONAL CHIAO TUNG UNIVERSITY, Taiwan, May2-6 (2012).

(2015.10.30現在、44件 (2015.11月中に更新予定))  

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