生物に学ぶ材料と建築・都市デザイン ~nmからkmのバイオミメティクス~
Tuesday 10th March - Wednesday 11th March (2 days) 2020
Osaka University Convention Center, Osaka, Japan
International, Governmental,
Industrial, Academic :
domestic invited speakers are shown in order of presentations.
Invited Speakers abroad
Especially, we have 2 Invited Speakers (Key persons in this field) from Europe: .
Thomas SPECK
Prof. Dr., University of Freiburg
Member of the Spokespersonteam and Principal Investigator in the Excellencecluster livMats, a big research cluster on Living, Adaptive and Energy-autonomous Materials Systems in Germany.

Estelle CRUZ
Dr., CEEBIOS (Centre Européen d'Excellence en Biomimétisme de Senlis).
Young State-certified architect and Researcher in Engineering. Passionate about biomimicry in
various cultures, she undertook a "world tour of biomimicry" for a year.
Invited Speakers
All oral presentations are invited talk. Please refer to the page of Program.
Akihiko OKADA (岡田明彦 NEDO技術戦略研究センター)
NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization)
Masatsugu SHIOMOMURA (下村正嗣 公立千歳科学技術大学 理工学部)
Professor, Chitose Inst. of science and technology

Satoshi SAKAI (酒井敏 京都大学 人間・環境学研究科)
Professor, Kyoto University

Maki SUGIMOTO (杉本マキ 大和ハウス工業 未来共創センター)
Daiwa House Industry Co.,Ltd.

Masahiro ASUKA (飛鳥政宏 積水インテグレーテッドリサーチ)
Sekisui Integrated Research Inc.

Mamoru TANIGUCHI (谷口守 筑波大学 システム情報工学研究科)
Professor, University of Tsukuba

Masahito YAMAMOTO (山本昌仁 たねやグループ)

Shinichi KABURAGI (蕪木伸一 大成建設 設計本部)
Design Division, Taisei Corporation

Akira SAITO (齋藤彰 大阪大学 工学研究科)
Associate Professor, Division of Precision Sci. Technol. and Applied Physics, Osaka Univ.
